Price: $19.99
Author: DWBooster




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Corner Ad

How to create attractive, yet uninvasive web-based ads? Many web developers have come up with different solutions. Our contribution to this effort is CornerAd, which we believe to be believe to be innovative and easy to use. CornerAd is a minimally invasive advertising display that uses any of your webpage's top corners - a position typically under-utilized by developers - and attracts users' attention by a cool visual effect imitating a page flip.

CornerAd can also be used for announcements, newsflashes, and basically for anything else that you consider important and want your website visitors to see. It is common nowadays that visitors quickly scan the contents of a page and often fail to notice messages that you would like them to see; CornerAd attempts to resolve this issue.

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CornerAd is distributed as an extension to Adobe Dreamweaver and its insertion into a webpage is simple and intuitive.

CornerAd comes with a set of flexible features that enable easy adaptation to most web designs.

CornerAd initially displays a partial ad, that attracts attention; when user hovers the mouse over it, the ad opens to its full size while imitating a page-flip effect; once the mouse is moved away, the ad returns to its initial size.


The Corner Ad is distributed as an extension for Adobe Dreamweaver version MX or later (includes CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6).


CornerAd is distributed as an extension for Adobe Dreamweaver and is installed using the Adobe Extension Manager.

To insert a CornerAd, you simply need to open your webpage in Dreamweaver, and select the menu option "Corner Ad> Generate".

If you want to modify any feature of a CornerAd already inserted into your site, you only need to perform the same steps as when you first inserted it (Corner Ad > Generate), you will see the fields of the configuration window displayed with previously entered data - at this point you can modify your settings.

Configuration Interface

Which corner?: Here you can choose in which of the top corners of your web page you want your ad to be shown: left or right.

Image: Enter the URL to the image for your ad.
(Note: If your image is on an external website, a crossdomain.xml file is required to allow access to the image; this is a security method used by Flash-based applications.)

Thumbnail image: Enter the URL to the image for your ad when CornerAd is showed as a small corner of the web page. The field is optional, if the thumbnail image is not introduced the value of the image field is used by default.
(Note: If your image is on an external website, a crossdomain.xml file is required to allow access to the image; this is a security method used by Flash-based applications.)

Create a mirror effect: Allows you to imitate a reflection of your ad image on the back surface of the "flipped" page.

The page corner color in RGB: You can enter a hex number representing an RGB format color to use in the corner that simulates the flipped page. This feature ensures CornerAd's adaptability to most web designs.

Clicking on the ad directs to: Enter the URL of the webpage that your ad should point to; this is where the user will go if he or she clicks on the ad.

URL should open in a: Decide whether the page, where the user is redirected upon clicking on the CornerAd, will be opened in a new browser window, or in the same window that displays the ad.

Open after x seconds: This feature allows the ad to be displayed automatically without having to move the mouse over CornerAd. The selected value represents a period of time before displaying the advertisement in its fully open form.

Seconds after open until close on load: This feature is related to the previous one (Open after x seconds) and allows the return to the ad's original size automatically. It is only functional in combination with the previous feature, i.e. the ad must be opened automatically. The value selected here represents a time period before returning to the initial CornerAd position. If the user moves the mouse above the ad while it is still open, it will remain open until the mouse is moved away.

During the process of inserting CornerAd, a directory named "cornerad" will be generated automatically; it will need to be published onto your server along with the modified webpage.


Please look the top/right corner of the web page


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