Price: $55.99
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Dynamic Toolbar Booster

Dynamic Trio Toolbar is a toolbar for Dreamweaver containing 9 extensions that can make your website look extraordinary. Most extensions contains visual effects, animations and other interesting interactive qualities, all integrated in a simple, comfortable and efficient way. This product has a 25% discount.


The following 9 products are included in the Dynamic Toolbar Booster:

#1 - Glossary Dreamweaver Extension Sometimes websites about specific topics can be intimidating to newcomers, many words and concepts can be lost to a new user and they might feel discouraged to keep on exploring the site. Glossary is a great dreamweaver extension that works by providing valuable information (words, concepts, specific ideas) as text boxes that pop-up as the mouse rools over them. These text boxes can also be moved around or closed if the user wishes so, to avoid excessive windows open on screen, keeping the website always looking tidy and professional.
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#2 - Help Hints for Web As users visit a new site, many times they found themselves a stranger to it and its structure. For this, Help hints for web will provide an original way to instruct newcomers about what's-what in your website. As the user rolls over the mouse over an HTML object, a text box (which is fully customizable) will appear, explaining what that object is and what it does. Easy to use and very nice to have, this dreamweaver extension is a simple one but works like a charm
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#3 - Dreamweaver Calendar This dreamweaver based calendar will let you select dates, emphasize them in multiple ways. The calendar offers various languages and works both in PHP and ASP servers.
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#4 - Event Sound Event sound will add a new perk to your site, providing sound effects as the visitor's mouse rolls over a determined position. This dreamweaver extension comes with a full set of sounds for you to choose from and to which you can add even more, all you need to do is choose the MP3 sound you want and you can add it to the collection and use it at will
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#5 - Accordion Effect This extension will make webpages with great amounts of text a lot easier to read for visitors as it displays only the first parts of a paragraph so that the visitor can get an idea what it is about while leaving the rest out of sight, only marked by the pressence of a "..." mark. This will make information fishing from regular users easier while making the whole webpage look more organized and stilish to newcomers.
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#6 - Page Scroll There are many cases in which users are given the option to jump from one part of a webpage to another, to look for a particular text or utility. This can be unsettling sometimes, since the "jumps" happen too fast. As an option to this, Page scroll extension will glide down or up gently instead of performing the typical "jumps". A very innovative option for a well known situation, this dreamweaver extension doesn't require any programming skills or server requirements.
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#7 - Soft Open Window This is a dreamweaver extension that will let you set a window to be opened as visitors click on a specific link to it. you can customize the window, which will open up gradually, from upper left to lower right until it reaches the size you tailored. This is a nice way to emphasize content or anything else that you feel the user shouldn't miss while visiting your site.
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#8 - RSS Reader This dreamweaver extension offers a great way to display RSS content provided by other websites, the reader is displayer as a transparent box where RSS text is constantly appearing and fading away, giving a professional appearance to the whole process.
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#9 - Dynamic Image Preview Thumbnail galleries are a great way to display large amount of images in an organized way, but sometimes the thumbnails are too small and we are looking for a specific image that we can't seem to find. The process can turn quite boring if we have to click to load every one of them to see a full size display... to avoid these situations, this extension will display a dynamic enlarged preview image of each thumbnail as the mouse rools over, while making it dissapear as the mouse rolls out.
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